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About SyntheticPages
Synthetic Pages - an Interactive Database of Chemical Procedures

About SyntheticPages

What is SyntheticPages?

SyntheticPages is a free database of practical procedures for research workers in synthetic chemistry.

Reasons to use SyntheticPages

Benefits of contributing to SyntheticPages

If you think that SyntheticPages is a good idea then please contribute; the more high quality contributions that are received the more valuable the database is to the community. You can submit any procedure or method that you have carried out in the lab. It could be a literature procedure or a new reaction, a general method or a one-off -curiosity. What is important is that it relates your personal experience of the reaction.

Do I need any special software?

No. Apart from a standard web browser you will need ChemDraw, which has the facility to write gif images.

You can comment on SyntheticPages

You can add a comment to your own or someone else's SyntheticPage after it is posted. You might add further technical information, corrections, literature citations or links to other pages. Professional and courteous comments will usually be posted as part of the page within 48 hours.

Can I publish after submitting a procedure to SyntheticPages?

Yes. Although you transfer copyright of the SyntheticPage to us, you may also incorporate the information into a paper (subject of course to the third party's terms and conditions) or elsewhere. For this, no copyright notice is required. You should, however, consider that submitting a SyntheticPages may affect your right to claim a patent on the material at a later date. Our Terms and Conditions are posted in full at http://www.syntheticpages.org.

Can I reference SyntheticPages in my paper/thesis?

Of course. Our recommended format (for RSC Journals) is: A. Chemist, SyntheticPages, 2001, http://www.syntheticpages.org/pages/123

Can I submit a SyntheticPages on a known procedure?

Absolutely. This is perhaps the most useful type of contribution. Much of the chemistry posted on the site will be known and will have been described in another form as part of a journal article by you or others. Submissions to SyntheticPages are most frequently single examples of procedures with the focus on reliability and reproducibility, and with much more detail than the literature method.

SyntheticPages is not:

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